Friday, June 10, 2011

My Christian Testimony

I hope my testimony will be a blessing to you.

Before I trusted Jesus Christ
I was born in 1958 in El Salvador, Central America. I almost died the day I was born, but God saved me physically. Growing up, I attended a Catholic High School and graduated in 1976. Later that year my father died after a lengthy battle with alcohol. Thankfully I had already forgiven him. After two years of uncertainty, I got a job that allowed me to come to the United States in 1980.

In 1981, I was living and working in New Jersey. A girl at work asked me if I wanted to share expenses with her by renting an apartment. Over the next 7 months, I spent my days drinking, dancing, and partying, as I never had in my life. I made a fool of myself, a fact I am not proud of today. 

In 1986, I experienced the most depressing year of my life. I tried liquor, cigarettes, and dancing to cheer me up. I did not want to live anymore. In November of the same year, I called my mother and told her that I was coming home for Christmas to be with my brother and her. She told me that their lives had changed for the better. I told her that did not matter to me. When I was back home, I spent my Wednesday nights and Sundays at church crying like a baby in each service. I knew that the people there had something that I needed. Before I left, my mother and brother encouraged me to look for a Bible believing church if I decided to give my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
When I trusted Jesus Christ
In early  February 1987 I was reading my Bible when quite suddenly I had the impulse to reach for the telephone book and try to find a Bible Church as my brother had suggested a couple of months earlier. On Saturday February 14, 1987, three representatives of Brighton Avenue Bible Chapel in East Orange, NJ came to visit. After they showed me from the Word of God how to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone and trust Him as my personal Savior and Lord, I understood my need, believed, and was saved.

After I trusted Jesus Christ
Since 1987, my life has drastically changed. Although problems, disappointments, and trials can always be a part of life, now, being on the other side of the CROSS, I can see my life with His eyes. In 1994, I started attending First Baptist Church in Dover, New Jersey until September 1996. In the meantime, I was involved in different ministries: a Prison Ministry, a Homeless Ministry, and Counseling among others. I was also praying that God would allow me to go to a Bible College to study His Word.

That year I moved to Florida. Six years later, I was accepted at Clearwater Christian College to pursue a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Church Ministries/Missions and a Minor in Bible. I had the privilege to travel to the People’s Republic of China with a group of students from CCC.  I graduated in May 2006 and became a missionary to the island of Puerto Rico with International Partnership Ministries, Inc. (IPM) Currently; I am on deputation raising financial support while ministering in the IPM main office located in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

The reason why I studied at a Christian College was to increase my knowledge in the Bible and to be able to counsel and understand other people and the need they have for Jesus Christ in their lives. My emphasis is to minister to all people's groups.

While attending Faith Baptist Church of New Port Richey, Florida, I was the Missions secretary between 2003 and 2005, contacting our 40 missionaries around the world and mailing their monthly support.

In September of 2005, I became a Missionary Appointee with International Partnership Ministries, Inc. planning to go to Puerto Rico. But the Lord had other plans for me. Instead of leaving to Puerto Rico, I moved to Hanover, Pennsylvania at the end of 2006 and became a Home Office Missionary/Office Coordinator. My ministry now covers the United States and the world. 
As a Home Office missionary and a woman, I have found that raising support has special challenges. Some churches will only consider supporting missionaries serving in the foreign field. Yet, I praise the Lord for His faithfulness with blessings throughout this time.

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